100% Grass Fed Beef

Never any grain, rotationally grazed - to work with nature to build and cultivate the soil microbes needed to turn grass into fabulous meat!

Non-GMO Pastured Meat Chicken

Raised on grass, we move the birds to fresh pasture at least once a day.

Pastured Non-GMO Pork

Pigs raised on pasture rotation 

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will the hanging weight be?

Our typical hanging weight on a whole cow will range from 400-550.

Take home weight or packaged weight will generally be 55-65% of hanging weight based on your cut choices.

How much are processing fees?

We use a few different butchers at different times and there is always the possibility for them to change their prices. I typically tell people to plan for about $1 per pound on the hanging weight. 

How big are your chickens?

Our chickens typically range from 4-6 pounds.

We sell the chickens whole. Shrink wrapped, very similarly to how you would see a whole chicken in the grocery store.